Saturday, November 29, 2008

Twilight, Girls Night Out!!!

Rylee's first real girls night out. She was a perfect angel while we watched our long awaited Twilight! I loved the movie and it was all I had hoped for. I loved all the characters. For all those that did not like it, well that is their loss! I want to read the books over again. Alex says, "oh great". He is glad that I have something that I really like though. Waiting for the movie to start!!

Maile and Emma! We love you!

We were but a small part of the LARGE crowd that showed up for the 11:30 p.m. showing.

Just can't wait for the next one to come out!!!!!


Russ and Em said...

I am so impressed that she was so good for you during the movie. Oh, and I love your new look for your blog - too cute!

King Family said...

I wish I could have been there.

Jenn said...

I just saw the movie with my mom and sister yesterday. It was good except for the giggly 12 year olds that screamed and giggled through out the whole movie. I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving.

Jennifer Thornton

Kristin said...

I had to see it a second time to enjoy it. I liked it although I feel it could've been better. Oh and did you notice that Stephenie Meyer was in the movie?

M said...

yeah for GNO, so much fun and did you LOVE the movie... Bailey asks me everyday if I can take her today? Maybe this weekend, you know PG13 movies are not what they used to be!

The Steeds said...

I'm glad that you liked the movie. I now think that I will need to go and see it. I really like the pics.